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This page (revision-24) was last changed on 14-Dec-2010 14:36 by Vida Jesenšek  

This page was created on 03-Apr-2010 10:54 by Dejan Kopold

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At line 47 changed 6 lines
Sagt man dafür, dass jemand [aktiv] für die [positive Entwicklung ]bestimmter Dinge sorgen kann und somit selbst dafür [verantwortlich ist] ,was er daraus macht. [Beleg 1 | 1] [Beleg 2 | 2 ] [Beleg 3 | 3 ] \\
Rečemo, kadar smo prepričani, da lahko človek sam poskrbi za svoj uspeh in je zato sam odgovoren za lastno srečo. [Zgled 1 | 1] [Zgled 2 | 2] [Zgled 3 | 3]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
24 14-Dec-2010 14:36 3.572 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous
23 27-Nov-2010 22:07 3.569 kB Brigita Kacjan to previous | to last
22 19-Oct-2010 23:58 3.576 kB Vida Jesenšek to previous | to last
21 24-Sep-2010 10:10 3.493 kB Brigita Kacjan to previous | to last